Harry Potter and the Protective Parent - Chapter 40 - CaribbeanTrinidadian - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text



''We all have different thresholds for sentimentality. For me, it's a hard won happy ending.''- Paul Bettany

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy's marriage marked a significant shift in both the wizarding world and the Malfoy family. Hermione navigated the complexities of being a Malfoy with her characteristic determination and grace. After two years of dating, their marriage surprised many, especially Draco's father, Lucius. Initially irritated by the union, Lucius's attitude changed dramatically when Hermione gave birth to triplets, breaking a centuries-old curse on the Malfoy family line that only allowed one child per marriage.

The first child, Scorpius Hyperion, inherited the classic Malfoy looks with his straight platinum blonde hair and striking greyish-silver eyes. Scorpius's appearance mirrored his father's. The second child, Lynx Bassanio, was named after a character in "The Merchant of Venice," a nod to Hermione's love of literature. Lynx had grey eyes, reminiscent of the Black family lineage, and curly platinum blonde hair.

The last and third child, Portia Catherine, became Lucius' favorite grandchild, perhaps due to her unique combination of family traits. She had Hermione's brown hair, but instead of bushy, it was straight like her older brother Scorpius's, and silver eyes, creating a striking and unique appearance that set her apart from her siblings.

The scene at Malfoy Manor was bustling with the typical last-minute preparations as the triplets got ready to return to Hogwarts for their fourth year.

Scorpius was the epitome of calm amidst the chaos.

Already packed and ready to go, he lounged on his bed, engrossed in a game on his DS. Thanks to his mother and her mentor, Professor Mildred Black-Wolfe, Hogwarts had seen a fascinating blend of science and magic. This innovation allowed Scorpius to use his Muggle gaming device at school, much to the envy of his friends. His straight platinum-blonde hair fell slightly over his greyish-silver eyes as he concentrated on the screen, unbothered by the hustle and bustle around him.

In contrast, his brother Lynx was meticulously checking and rechecking his trunk with the help of his house elf, Paddy. Lynx, the shyest of the triplets, inherited not only his mother’s brilliance but also her penchant for careful preparation. With his curly platinum blonde hair and the same grey eyes that ran in the family, he moved quietly but efficiently, making sure everything was in place. Paddy held up a neatly folded dark green sweater, and Lynx nodded approvingly, placing it carefully in the trunk.

Meanwhile, Portia was in a mild panic. She was darting around her room, searching for her beloved stuffed white dragon, 'Pepe' a gift from Aunt Milly. Her straight brown hair, a perfect match to Hermione’s, swayed as she frantically looked under her bed, in her wardrobe, and around her desk. The dragon was more than just a toy to Portia; it was a symbol of comfort and love from Aunt Milly, who treated the triplets like her own nieces and nephews. Her silver eyes, filled with urgency, scanned the room desperately.

'Where is it?'

As the clock ticked, Lucius knocked on her door before appearing in the doorway, his usually stern demeanor softened by a hint of amusem*nt.

He called out to Portia, "It's in the study, my dear." His voice was warm, betraying the affection he had for his granddaughter. Portia rushed past him, offering a quick "Thank you, Grandfather!" as she headed to the study to retrieve her dragon.

In the hallway, Draco could be heard calling out in frustration, “We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up!” His voice echoed through the grand halls of Malfoy Manor, a mix of impatience and the familiar tone of a father trying to herd his children.

Already at Hogwarts, Hermione awaited the arrival of her children. Her role as a professor and her responsibilities to the school kept her busy, but her thoughts frequently drifted to her family. She was eager to see her children and begin this new chapter with them, especially after taking over the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.

Her husband was a healer at St. Mungo's.

As Portia finally grabbed 'Pepe' the white dragon from the study, she clutched it tightly to her chest, a smile spreading across her face. With everyone now ready, the Malfoys gathered at the front door and prepared to side-long apparate to Platform 9¾. The triplets exchanged excited glances; another year at Hogwarts awaited.

Lucius gave them a rare smile, his arm around Portia after shrinking her trunk, Lynx was near his father and Narcissa held Scorpius' hand as they apparated.

Scorpius and Lynx, the two boys, had both been sorted into Slytherin, following in the footsteps of their father, Draco, and generations of Malfoys before them. Lucius had been relieved at first, seeing them continue the family tradition. Scorpius, with his natural charisma, seemed perfectly suited for Slytherin. He thrived in the house known for its ambition and cunning, just as his father had.

Lynx, despite his shyness, also fit well in Slytherin. His quiet intelligence and reflective nature allowed him to navigate the house’s complex social dynamics with a grace and subtlety that often went unnoticed. He was just as brilliant as his mother, Hermione, but preferred to stay out of the spotlight, content with observing and learning.

Then there was Portia, the apple of Lucius's eye. From the moment she was born, she held a special place in his heart, perhaps because she reminded him so much of both his wife, Narcissa, and Hermione. When Portia was sorted into Ravenclaw, it had been a surprise to everyone, including herself. Yet, it quickly became apparent that the house of wit and wisdom suited her perfectly. Portia thrived in Ravenclaw, where her insatiable curiosity was met with endless opportunities to learn and grow.

At first, Lucius had been uneasy about Portia breaking the family tradition, but that soon gave way to pride. Her silver eyes, so much like his own, held a spark of intelligence and independence that he couldn't help but admire. Watching her now, hugging her stuffed white dragon—he would miss her the most.

As they prepared to depart the train station, Lucius realized just how far he had come. The man who once scoffed at the idea of change now saw his family as a testament to its power. Through the integration of different heritages and values, the Malfoy line was stronger, more vibrant, and more hopeful than it had been in centuries.

In this moment of reflection, Lucius allowed himself a small smile.

Narcissa Malfoy, always poised and graceful, stood beside her husband on the platform as they watched their son hug and fret over his children. The years had softened her in ways Lucius never could have anticipated. Once reserved and fiercely protective of her own, Narcissa now embraced the larger, more diverse family that her son, Draco, and daughter-in-law, Hermione, had built.

As she watched the triplets—Scorpius with his confident grin, Lynx carefully tending to his belongings, and Portia clutching her beloved dragon—her heart swelled with pride. Now, surrounded by her growing family, she feels a sense of peace she never imagined possible.

Narcissa turned to Lucius, who still stood deep in thought, reflecting on the changes that had come to pass. She could see the transformation in him, the way his once rigid demeanor had softened with the arrival of their grandchildren. Leaning in, she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

“I’m so glad we have such a big family now,” Narcissa whispered. Her hand lingered on his arm, offering comfort and support. She knew how much Lucius had struggled with the changes over the years, but she also knew how much he loved their grandchildren. She had seen the light they brought into his life, melting away the bitterness of old prejudices and filling the void with joy.

Lucius turned to look at her, his expression softening further. Her kiss, her words, and the sight of their grandchildren laughing and preparing for another year at Hogwarts had a way of grounding him, reminding him of what truly matters. He placed his hand over hers, squeezing gently.

“They’ve brought more happiness into our lives than I ever could have imagined,” he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with emotion. “I never thought I’d see the day…”

Narcissa smiled, her grey eyes sparkling with affection. “Life has a way of surprising us, Lucius. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The grand halls of Black Manor echoed with the sounds of last-minute preparations. The manor, a sprawling estate with high ceilings and long, winding corridors, had been the home of the extended Black family for generations. Its rooms were filled with ancient artifacts, portraits of stern-looking ancestors, and the occasional magical oddity left behind by previous inhabitants. Despite its formidable appearance, the manor now exuded warmth and laughter, brought into it by Harry Potter-Black and his extended family.

Mildred Black-Wolfe stood at the top of the stairs, watching her twin daughters, Rhaella Selena Black-Wolfe and Sophia Analise Black-Wolfe, scramble to finish their last-minute packing. Mildred couldn't help but smile at the sight of her daughters. Despite her often stern demeanor, her honey-brown eyes softened with affection as she observed them.

Rhaella, or Rhae as everyone liked to call her, was rifling through her belongings with a sense of urgency. With her father's jet-black hair cascading down her back and her mother's honey-brown eyes filled with determination, she was every bit the picture of youthful energy. Her seventh year at Hogwarts awaited, and she was eager to make the most of her final year. Her room was a whirlwind of clothes, books, and magical trinkets, all of which she insisted were necessary for her studies and extracurricular activities.

“Rhae, have you seen my Charms textbook?” called out Sophia, her younger twin sister by a mere two minutes. Sophia, with her mother’s brown hair and her father’s intense black eyes, was rifling through a stack of parchment and quills. Her room was slightly more organized than her sister's, but it too showed signs of the chaotic excitement that comes with the start of a new school year.

“It’s under your Potions notes!” Rhae replied, tossing a sweater into her trunk. “Honestly, Soph, if you were any less organized, I’d think you were a first-year!”

Sophia rolled her eyes but smiled. “I’m just thorough, Rhae. We don’t all have your ‘throw everything in a bag and hope for the best’ mentality.” Despite the teasing, the bond between the twins was evident, their easy banter filled with affection.

Mildred remembered her school days and how quickly they flew by. Finn stood beside her, his warm smile mirroring her thoughts.

“Hard to believe they’re seventh years already, isn’t it?” Finn remarked, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and a touch of nostalgia. “Feels like just yesterday they were starting their first year.”

Mildred nodded, her gaze never leaving the twins. “Time does fly, doesn’t it? They’ve grown so much, in more ways than one. I’m proud of them. Both of them.”

The manor was alive with activity. Just down the hall, the sounds of laughter and conversation drifted from the rooms of Harry’s children, who were also busy with their preparations. Alexander Fleamont Potter-Black was packing his trunk with an assortment of books and Muggle gadgets, his silver-blue eyes flicking to the door occasionally, half-expecting one of his siblings to burst in and disrupt his focus.

Iris Pandora Potter-Black, always organized and efficient, was carefully folding her clothes and placing them in her trunk with a precision that mirrored her father’s meticulousness. Her emerald green eyes, so like her grandmother Lily's, were bright with excitement for the year ahead. Her room, decorated with a mix of Ravenclaw blue and bronze and magical plants, reflected her love for both learning and nature.

In another room, Atlas Aster Potter-Black was bouncing around, his messy, curly platinum-blonde hair fell into his unique emerald silver-grey eyes. His room was a whirlwind of activity as he rushed to pack, his youthful energy making him appear even younger than his second-year status.

The manor's energy was palpable, filled with the excitement and anticipation of a new school year. As Mildred stepped further into her daughters' room, she smiled and said, “Remember, girls, seventh year is important, but don’t forget to enjoy it. These are memories you'll carry with you for a lifetime.”

Rhae looked up, her smile wide and confident, “Don’t worry, Mum. We’ve got this. It’s going to be the best year yet, I can feel it.”

Sophia nodded in agreement, her black eyes gleaming with determination. “And we’ll make you proud, Mum. We promise.”

Finn chuckled softly, placing a reassuring hand on Mildred’s shoulder, “They’ve already made us proud, haven’t they?”

Mildred nodded, her heart full as she looked at her daughters, “Yes, they have. And I have no doubt they will continue to do so.”

A Month Later

It was a bright, sunny afternoon at Hogwarts, the perfect day for a gathering of friends and family. Near the Quidditch pitch, Harry stood with Sirius, Mildred, and Finn. Their children and grandchildren respectively, were scattered across the grounds, enjoying their last moments of freedom before the match started.

Ravenclaw vs Slytherin.

Harry, his jet-black hair as untamable as ever, but now flecked with a hint of silver, watched his children with a smile. His green eyes—still as bright and piercing as they were in his youth—tracked Alex his eldest son, who was chatting animatedly with his best friend Scorpius.

By the lake, Iris, Harry's oldest child, stood with a group of her Ravenclaw friends, her long, vibrant red hair catching the sunlight. Her emerald green eyes, so reminiscent of her grandmother Lily’s, were bright with excitement as she discussed some new magical theory with the same enthusiasm her mother Luna showed for all things mysterious and wonderful. Now a sixth-year Ravenclaw, Iris had inherited both her mother’s curiosity and her father’s courage, making her a favorite among her peers and teachers.

Atlas, the youngest, was racing around with a group of second-year Ravenclaw students, his curly platinum-blonde hair bouncing with each step. His unique emerald silver-grey eyes, a mix of both his parents' features, give him an almost ethereal appearance.

Sirius, now older but still as roguish and charming as ever, stood beside Harry with a proud grin on his face. “Look at them, Harry,” he says, his voice filled with nostalgia and a hint of emotion. “I never thought I’d see the day when your kids would be playing here, just like we did. They’re a great bunch.”

Harry grinned, his gaze shifting to each of his children. “Yeah, they are,” he replied softly.

The Burrow was buzzing with excitement and joy, as the Weasley family prepared for a rare and momentous double wedding. Fred was getting married to Angelina Johnson, his longtime sweetheart and fellow Gryffindor. On the same day, his twin brother George was marrying Katie Bell, another dear friend from their Hogwarts days. The family and friends had gathered in the beautiful gardens surrounding the Burrow, the familiar scent of wildflowers and freshly baked goods filling the air.

Two altars stood side-by-side, elegantly decorated with white and gold ribbons, and garlands of wildflowers-- honeysuckles, yellow chrysanthemums, rosemary, and lavender. Guests were seated in white chairs, eagerly awaiting the start of the ceremony.

Percy, dressed in formal robes, stood between the two altars, looking uncharacteristically relaxed. His usually neat red hair had been styled slightly differently for the occasion, and there was a hint of pride and nervousness in his blue eyes.

Percy had recently been ordained specifically to officiate his twin brothers' double wedding, a role he had taken with great seriousness. Though Percy’s usual demeanor was stern and professional, today he radiates a warmth and affection that he rarely showed.

As the music began to play, the guests turned to watch the bride make their way up the aisle. Fred and George, both beaming with excitement, stood at their respective altars. Fred kept stealing glances at Angelina, who looked stunning in her elegant satin wedding gown. George, meanwhile, was grinning widely at Katie, who was radiant in her simple yet beautiful lace dress.

In the aisle seats were Bill who was accompanied by his wife Fleur and their two-year-old daughter Victoire. Fleur, always beautiful, was wearing a flowing pale blue gown that complemented her silvery-blonde hair, and she held Victoire in her arms. The little girl, with her bright red hair—a combination of her parents' coloring—and big blue eyes, looked around curiously, her small hands clutching a bouquet of tiny flowers.

Ginny sat with her husband, Dean Thomas. Ginny, who wore a vibrant green dress that brought out her fiery red hair, waved enthusiastically at her brothers. Dean, beside her, was wearing a tailored black suit and had a broad smile on his face.

Ron sat in the row before Ginny with his fiancée, Lavender Brown. Lavender looked gorgeous in a soft lavender dress that matched her name, her hair in loose curls around her shoulders. Ron, with his characteristic messy hair and a suit that he didn’t choose himself, looked both proud and slightly embarrassed. Ron caught Fred and George’s eyes and gave them a cheeky thumbs-up, while Lavender waved excitedly to the rest of the family. Charlie sat next to Bill and adjacent to his parents. Katie's and Angelina's family sat next to them, Harry, Mildred, Finn, Hermione, Luna, Draco, and Harry's godson Teddy looked on.

Percy stepped forward, raising his hands to signal the start of the ceremony. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, his voice strong and clear. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the love and commitment of two very special couples: Fred Weasley and Angelina Johnson, and George Weasley and Katie Bell. It is my great honor, as their brother, to officiate this ceremony and to unite them in marriage.”

The crowd fell silent, listening intently to Percy's words. Even Fred and George are unusually still, their expressions a mix of joy and reverence. Percy continues, his voice filled with genuine emotion, “Fred and George have always been inseparable, sharing every joy, every challenge, every prank—”

This elicited a laugh from the crowd, and even Percy chuckled before continuing, “—and today, they share in the greatest adventure of all: marriage. Angelina and Katie, you are joining a family that is bound by love, loyalty, and a fair amount of chaos.”

Angelina and Katie smiled brightly, their eyes shining with happiness. Fred and George exchange a quick, amused glance as if silently agreeing with Percy’s description of the Weasley family.

Percy cleared his throat and continued, “By the power vested in me by the Ministry of Magic and the esteemed community of our world, I now pronounce you husbands and wives. You may kiss your brides!”

Fred and George wasted no time, turned to their respective brides. Fred dipped Angelina slightly, kissing her with a dramatic flourish that made the guests cheer. George, always the slightly softer-spoken of the two, kissed Katie tenderly, holding her close as the audience applauded.

Bill and Fleur clapped enthusiastically, Fleur wiping a tear from her eye as she balanced Victoire on her hip. Ginny and Dean stood and cheered loudly, while Ron pulled Lavender into a hug, both of them grinning widely.

As the newlyweds make their way down the aisle, hand in hand, surrounded by their cheering family and friends, the garden of the Burrow is filled with magic—both literal and figurative. The sky above sparkled with enchanted fireworks, courtesy of Fred and George's company, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.

The reception began almost immediately, with tables laden with food and drinks. The twins had made sure that their wedding was as memorable and fun as possible. There were enchanted confetti, magical fireworks displays, and even a few prank gifts hidden among the real ones.

As the evening progressed, laughter and stories filled the air. The Weasley family, along with their friends, reveled in the celebration of love and unity. Percy, having put aside his usual formal demeanor, shared a dance with his wife, Audrey, while Fred and George took turns spinning their new wives around the dance floor, their happiness infectious.

Molly and Arthur watch from the side, their faces beaming with pride and joy as they see their family, now bigger than ever, together in love and laughter. “We’ve done well, haven’t we, Arthur?” Molly says softly, leaning against her husband’s shoulder.

Arthur nodded, his eyes glistening with happy tears. “Yes, Molly, we have. Look at them all. Just look at them.”

As the celebration at the Burrow wound down and the stars began to twinkle overhead, the guests slowly made their way back to the house, leaving the garden in a peaceful stillness. The joyful atmosphere lingered in the air, a soft hum of laughter and love.

In a quieter corner of the garden, under a large willow tree whose branches swayed gently in the evening breeze, Mildred and Finn sat together on a wooden bench. The flickering light from the nearby fairy lamps cast a warm glow on their faces, and the sound of crickets filled the night air.

Mildred leaned her head on Finn’s shoulder, a contented smile playing on her lips. Finn wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.

“This has been a beautiful day,” Mildred said softly, her gaze drifting to the twinkling fairy lights and the distant laughter of their family. “It makes knowing the tragedies that had befallen them, easier to bear.''

Finn nodded, his expression thoughtful. “You’re right. There’s something special about seeing them all together, isn’t there? A kind of magic that you can’t put into words.”

Mildred smiled, a glimmer of nostalgia in her eyes. “Of all the lives I’ve lived, this one is certainly one of my favorites. There’s something so warm, so vibrant about this family. So much love and strength.”

Finn chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

Mildred’s eyes softened as she looked up at him, her hand resting gently on his. “I’ve lived many lives, Finn, and each one has taught me something different. But this life… with you, with our children and grandchildren… it’s special in a way that’s hard to explain. It’s like finding a piece of yourself you didn’t know was missing.”

Finn smiled, his heart swelling with love for his wife. “I feel the same way. You’ve always been the most extraordinary person I’ve ever known. I know I’m lucky to have shared this life with you.”

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, watching the stars twinkle above. The memory of their past life in Konohagakure drifts through Mildred’s mind.

“I do miss Konohagakure sometimes,” Mildred admitted quietly, a hint of wistfulness in her voice. “There were lessons there, bonds that were forged in fire. But this life… it’s different. Softer, in many ways. And yet, no less meaningful.”

Finn nodded, squeezing her hand gently. “Sometimes I think about it too. While we can use our chakra here, it's not the same as being in the Elemental Nations.''

Mildred turned to him, her eyes filled with affection. “Every life has its kind of magic, its lessons. But this life with you, Finn, and our family… it’s one I wouldn’t trade for anything. It’s one I cherish deeply.”

Her husband leaned down to press a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I’m glad to hear that, Milly. Because I can’t imagine spending my life without you.”


Harry Potter and the Protective Parent - Chapter 40 - CaribbeanTrinidadian - Harry Potter (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.